ISpyDIY x Garment Recycling with H&M
ETC, Video
I could not be more excited to be working with a brand I love, H&M and their global garment recycling effort, to do a very necessary un-hauling of my closet. It is amazing how quickly I accumulate clothing, and how long I hold on to items I don’t wear. In the city I don’t always have a super accessible place to donate, but H&M is changing that. Now you can drop off clothing from any brand, in any condition, at any H&M. And as a perk you will receive 1 voucher for 15% off 1 item of your choice for each bag you donate (limit two bags per day). If you donate before March 31st you will receive a special ticket that will bump up your discount to 15% off your entire purchase and offer you a chance to win many multiple prizes. For more info head over to, and tweet at #LongLiveFashion to share what you are donating!
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by H&M for Style Coalition. All opinions are my own.
Love this H&M Conscious project, plus nothing feels better than donating stuff you actually don’t need. xx’s from Venezuela.
That’s amazing! Thanks for sharing about H&Ms initiative! I had to laugh when it the clothing just kept coming…and coming…and coming out of your closet 🙂
This is a great way to donate clothes! Thanks for the video, and the heads up! 🙂
been waiting for this here in Milan! check-out my new post on the latest shoe trend to break-out soon – – – –
XX the milano mode
That will be in Spain too? I´m going to chech :)Thanks for telling us!
Today in our blog we show you an outfit with the sweater that we customize in the las DiY
amazing video!!! 🙂
It would be actually interesting to know what h&m is going to do with the donated clothes. Because if they are going to sell the items to poor countries, that would not be great at all!
Everybody who wants to get rid of their old clothes should take them to a shelter for homeless/poor people in their own town. Because that is something that is really going to help some people out there. Donating/selling to African people is just harming their own economy!
Great question! they explain it all here:
xx j
Great video and love the idea of H&M. But I agree with Tamara, very curious what they are going to do with the clothes! xx
Good Video. You are playful like a kid..
Wow great, congratz with this fab collaboration! Would be cool if they would ask you to pimp the donated clothes so that people would receive new ‘I spy-ed’ clothing items ^_^
xxx Jocelina
Riiiight! What a good idea!
They did that in Denmark last year. Collected used clothes in stores & designstudents then turned old H&M stuf into new one of a kind items. Most of it was too edgy for normal wear. But inspirational non the less.
Luv the black “necks” for displaying/storing your necklaces. Where did you get them – or is it a magical diy? 😉
I was in H&M a few days ago and noticed they were doing this. Very cool.
Jillian –
amazing video!
Here in Germany the news reported already that H&M is doing anything than good with this “charity” project!!!!
They sell your old close for a lot of money!!!
H&M sells it to poor people from third world countries for a lot of money and/or they making millions with old cloth trading…
nobody other than H&M receives any benefits out of this!It is also thoughtless to participate this project because real clothe donators won’t get as much cloth anymore…
PEOPLE GET INFORMED! I know how nice it sound to get vouchers but a bad karma cant be hidden with nice cloth!!!!
Very cute video. Must clean my closet.
You also can send your clothes to the Netherlands! to me!
I like the idea of H&M and love your video
Well big corporations can pretty much do as they like, but they can use their financial and logistical clout to do very good deeds, I’m sure someone somewhere will get some benefits, not just the shareholders…..
Jenni, this is awesome! I love it so much that I wanted to share it myself, too!!!