Introducing The Roxanne Victorian (aka My Dollhouse Renovation)
Room Makeovers
I’d like you to meet my newest project!!! Isn’t this three-story Victorian dollhouse an absolute dream?! A lot of you watched the heartbreak I had on Instagram Stories when I found a beautiful dollhouse at Goodwill, and put it in my cart, only to realize the reserve tag had been claimed by another thrifter (and her sweet daughter.) I definitely shed a tear in the Goodwill aisles, but it was just not meant to be.
Are you ready for the happy ending? One of my amazing readers reached out to me with a similar dollhouse she had in her basement! I swear, you guys are absolutely magical. Thank you for all of your encouragement always!
Introducing: The Roxanne Victorian
This precious house named after my reader’s daughter who built this with her father. We are so thankful they passed it on to us and I can’t wait to cherish it with my daughter. Thank you so much, it’s a stunning home!
Let me give you a tour of a few rooms prior to the big restoration. I am still very much in the planning process and dreaming up how I want the home to look. Currently, the design direction is Modern Victorian. I have been looking at Catherine’s The Blonde Victorian renovation for inspiration. Figuring out the wallpaper and flooring has been such a fun challenge. And yes! I am planning on printing mini versions of my wallpaper collection with Chasing Paper for some of the rooms! I’ll be honest, painting seems like the most intimidating part, I need to work on my steady hand.
The plan was to find most the furniture at antique stores, but I got over excited and bought some stuff online for the kitchen/bathroom and art studio. How perfectly does this kitchen fit!! Here is my list!
The rest is a combination of items from my MIL, SIL and Jenn from Anthology Home. She dropped off a bunch of cutest items like the butcher block, chair and bench! I am trying not to get TOO many of the super cute tiny items because I want Lil’ Yolo to be able to play with it safely at this age.
Instead of a second bathroom, the upstairs room will be an art studio! I am also going to try to paint some little landscapes for the empty gold frames.
In the meantime I have been researching Victorian homes and miniature furniture. Such a fascinating world! Below are some of the accounts you all suggested that I use as inspiration, they all are stunning. Send me a DM if you have an account I should add to the list or pictures of your own miniature project, I’d love to see your ideas! This will be a long and loving process, I’m so excited to share it with you all.
A Running List of Dollhouse Inspiration:
Life In A Dollhouse
Dr. Kwandaa Roberts @tinyhousecalls
Tiny Timber Co. @tinytimberco
Melvin’s Miniatures @melvinsminiatures
Stephanie Sabbe @sabbeinteriordesing
Chris Toledo @ibuildsmallthings
Whimsy Woods @whimsy.woods
Lavender Belle Miniatures @lavenderbelle_miniatures
Dollhouse Therapy @dollhousetherapy
Mandi Johnson @mandimakesminis
Kristine Hanna @paperdollminiatures
Chelsea Andersson @chelseamakes
Little House of Lights (Anna)
All Dolled Up. Nowhere To Go. @alldolledup_nowhere2go
EXPLORE MORE: Room Makeovers
It is breathtaking. I would love to follow you as you work on it. I built a doll house and decorated it with my finds, then it was sent to a step grandchild in OH. Oh how I wish I still had it but being in a Retirement Center would have no room now. But my love for miniatures continues.