I SPY INSIDER | My Mornings


Life in my new apartment has been filled with all sorts of firsts. It is the first time I’ve lived alone, the first time to decorate a home from scratch (one plus of small NY apts is that you don’t need too much to fill it up), the first time that I am the only person to blame for an unwashed mug in the sink… it’s also the first time I have been able to settle into a daily morning routine since starting freelancing, and the first time that (even as a late late nightowl) my new A.M. practices have made my mornings quite delightful.  My day starts with an alarm, quickly followed by a snooze button (once…or 5 times) then I head straight to the windows, open my curtains wide, then turn on some tunes. The day does not officially start till my Keurig brews a cup of jo and my “power” cup is at full charge.  I have to admit, instead of heading to my desk, I plop down on my queen-sized cloud bed, and go through emails and tasks on my HP Envy laptop. This hour is quickly becoming one of my favorites, coffee in hand, I plot out my day and prepare my posts for the upcoming days. After one cup of coffee (ok, maybe 3) I put the day’s plan into action, well-caffeinated! 
MY OUTFIT | Bonlook Nomad glassesEberjey PJ’s
MY Gadgets | HP Envy x 2 laptopMustashe mousePower MugDIY pillow 
Photographed by | Lydia Hudgens 

This post is sponsored by HP and Style Coalition




  1. la miri says:

    Living alone is great – I absolutly love it! It is so relaxing 🙂
    The pictures are really good! Good shots!!! 🙂

    1. Egle Ge says:

      I agree! It is really relaxing!
      Love all the pics 😉

      With love, Egle Ge {HideInSugar}

  2. Those pictures transmit lots of energy…light… we love them!

    We started our blog a week ago, do you want to visit us?

  3. Milano Mode says:

    love the fresh & happy vibe!
    xx – Bambi Eyes of THE MILANO MODE

    New Post: Milan Fashion Week Streetstyle Photos
    GET THIS: Jean Paul Gaultier GIVEAWAY

  4. Wow! the first blogger without a Mac!!
    great cup! Perfect for start with energy all the mornings!



  5. Eli Rosu says:

    I love the light of the photos, they are incredible and transmit lots of fun!! Have a nice day 🙂 besos!


  6. cleartheway says:

    Caffeine is necessary. I am so please for you and your new home. Living alone is so ideal.

    Kate from Clear the Way

  7. Ahah I do too the snooze… once or five times 😉

    Vittoria from 5 IN THE MORNING

  8. TANYA LUA says:

    Great photos! That space looks so bright and fresh! I don’t live alone, but I have a similar routine after my boyfriend leaves for work, which includes reading blogs like yours 🙂


  9. you look so good,even early in the morning!

  10. anjelais says:

    What great photos! You have such a beautiful space to work in. 🙂

  11. Katie Stuart says:

    Love it! Can’t wait til I get to that point in my career and life 🙂

    Btw, where is your bedding from? I’ve been looking for a clean-looking white comforter and I love the way your’s looks!

    XO Katie

    1. Jenni says:

      Its Ikea! Such a steal, I love it!

  12. Kacie Cone says:

    Your room looks beautiful! Love this 🙂

  13. Si nice fotos!!! Want to see the design of your apartment so much!!!


  14. Love this lazy post in awesome pj’s, you look great. xx.



  15. Maria G. says:

    I can just relate to that as I once lived alone too when I was in college. Anyway, I love the cloud bed you are talking about. Seeing your bed makes me want to go back to sleep. I love beds too. But most of all I love coffee which made me realize just now that I need to make my coffee already. I just wish I have a mug like yours. 😉 Cool post!

  16. Hannah F says:

    Hey does the night shirt come embroidered or did you stamp it ? Let me know

    1. Jenni says:

      It was embroidered 🙂

  17. Kareem Rose says:

    Are you going to show more of your apt when it finished? I would love to see how you create a work space, or any diy stuff for rooms, bathrooms, & etc etc.

    1. Jenni says:

      Yep! More to come!

  18. Sounds like a lovely routine 🙂

  19. Anonymous says:

    Love the pictures. Room looks so bright and airy.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like the perfect routine.

  21. ....... says:

    what a relaxing lovely routine! hope my mornings will be this relaxed sometime very soon! xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @ http://www.gigikkitchen.blogspot.com

  22. Fernanda says:

    love the robe and the coffe pot!

  23. Danni Ingram says:

    I love a good morning routine! I wouldn’t be able to start the day without mine.


  24. Anonymous says:

    Nothing starts a day better than a good cup of strong coffee.

  25. Love your photos! And I agree, I love a good morning routine to start off my day 🙂

  26. thisisdiy says:

    I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring blog Award! Clink link for more info: http://thisisdiy.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/blog-award/

  27. Victoria says:

    Wow! I just love your hair! It gorgeous *__*

    xx Victoria

  28. Nuria says:

    Woww amazing blog!!! love it! congrats!!

  29. I love your power mug! Great idea!! 🙂

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