MY DIY | Triangle Cement Airplant Holder
Ever since spotting this planter in LA, I’ve became a little consumed with all things cement. As I mentioned yesterday, I thought the process would be super intimidating, but I was surprised at how crazy easy it is to use quick dry cement, and how fast (15-20 min!!) it hardens. I am a bit…ok a lot…impatient when it comes to DIY projects, so it was super gratifying to not have to wait an absorbent amount of time for the cement to dry. My first attempt actually hardened so fast, I did not have time make the crater for the plant, so make sure you keep a close watch! We created a triangle mold out of cardboard, but the ideas are endless when comes to creating different mold shapes (Trust me – I’ve been experimenting). Step and supplies after the break…
BONUS: Get all the supplies for this project in a DIY Kit HERE! Couldn’t be easier 🙂
What you need:
Quick dry cement
Neon Paint
Box cutter
Foam brush
Plastic egg
Get all the supplies for this project in a DIY Kit HERE!
What to do:
Using a piece of cardboard, measure out 3 squares that are 4″ x 4″ and inter-connected by a triangle that is 4″ x 4″ x 4″.
Once this is complete, cover all cardboard with duct tape completely.
Once the mold is completely built, it’s time to mix the cement. In a bowl, mix water and cement (follow the directions on the packaging).
Play around with the measurements until you get a puddy like texture. Once your cement is mixed, pour it into the mold.
Next, wait for the cement to harden for 7 minutes and then place the plastic egg in the cement to make your imprint. Watch out, as the cement hardens quickly!
Allow your cement to set for 10 more minutes or until the cement has completely hardened, then peel off the mold.
Finally it is time to add some color. With your foam brush, add a generous coat of paint to brighten up the planter. Allow the paint to dry for 30 minutes before adding your air plant.
Airplant care: Place in light but not direct sunlight. To water your air plants, spritz with water every 2-3 days.