DIY EVENT | Ombre & Splatter Paint Shorts with GAP
ETC, Events
Last week, I had the amazing opportunity to host a DIY Summer Shorts event with GAP, and I wanted to share a couple pics with you! I was estastic to see how creative all the guests got ombre dying and splatter painting, some coming up with techniques of their own. Crazy creativity! Details on how to get both looks after the break. And more party pics over on my Facebook page HERE.
For the ombre pair I used Sports Blue and Turquoise Tumble Dye. Starting with the darker color, I sprayed the two inches for the bottom of the jeans, holding the bottle about 6 inches away. Then I sprayed the two inches above the dark blue with the lighter blue. After they dry, put in the dryer for 30 minutes to set the dye. Then wear!

To get this splatter painted look, fill squeeze bottles with fabric paint, then squirt on your design. I went with neutral colors with a pop of color! Let dry overnight, then turn inside out and run an iron over the jeans to set the paint.

PHOTOS BY | Lydia Hudgens