Barnhouse | Fall Potting Station
Room Makeovers

It’s starting to feel like Fall around here, but that’s not going to stop me from spending as much time as I can outside! So I decided to transform a little area outside our fence into a potting station. Instead of making a mess in the kitchen, my Better Homes & Gardens Outdoor Potting Bench is now my little spot to create arrangements with wildflowers and the bouquets from the farmers market.

I also got a BUNCH of mums to pot and set on the porch. I picked up two Better Homes and Gardens Outdoor Garden Vases. They are SUPER lightweight but look solid. I have them on flanking the front door and love how tall they are! Once the mums wilt (spoiler alert: some have already wilted, because apparently you have to water them everyday, ha!) I am going to put evergreens in them for the Winter.

I have had a few Outdoor Potting Stations that have not lasted long. But the wood on this one looks and feels really durable, and I love the weathered grey finish. Baby Girl LOVES flowers, and is always helping out 🙂 I love little spaces like this where I can be creative. I started blogging over ten years ago doing Fashion DIY and transitioned to Home DIY when I moved from NYC to Milwaukee in 2014. In Manhattan there was no space to DIY in my tiny apartment, so I am so grateful that I now have these areas of my house to work on what I love and make a mess to create something beautiful!

I love this little work area outside the fence by the shed. We always have project going on in this space and the potting station is the perfect addition.

Mr Yolo hung some Vintage Cage Lantern String Lights under the little roof he made for the wood pile. The backyard bonfires are going strong!

Shopping credits after the break!
- Better Homes & Gardens Camrose Farmhouse Outdoor Potting Bench
- Better Homes & Gardens Outdoor Vintage Cage Lantern String Lights
- Better Homes and Gardens Bombay 16″ Outdoor Garden Vase

This post was made in partnership with Better Home & Gardens, sold exclusively at Walmart. Thank you for supporting my amazing sponsors!
EXPLORE MORE: Room Makeovers